Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Security Approach

Business i uses Amazon Web Services (AWS)to host its services and data. When it comes to cloud security, AWS is regarded as the industry leader. Our team is constantly updating our services and applications to create a safe cloud productivity service that complies with stringent industry requirements for compliance, drawing on decades of expertise in creating corporate software and managing online services.


Encryption to Protect Sensitive Data

Business i ERP encrypts and decrypts your sensitive data using one of the most effective and reliable techniques. In addition to safeguarding data while it is in transit, Business I safeguards data kept on servers and guards against data loss or leaks.

 Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) takes security into account at every stage of development, from basic planning to deployment. For instance, during the design phase, threat models are established and carefully examined for the various components to help identify and manage security issues. Tools are employed in addition to peer reviews to automatically detect and validate any security issues

Use Two-factor Authentication for High Security

Two-factor authentication in Business i ERP adds an extra degree of security to your account. An authentication token is necessary in addition to a username and password to log into your account.

Isometric Data Protection Concept

Monitor User Behavior using Audit Logs

Audit logs allow you to keep track of who did what and when while keeping tabs on the activity of your sales staff. For instance, all user actions including record deletion and modification will be audited to help you make proactive choices.

Backups of your Data Frequently

All of your data is continuously backed up across different servers. Your data is protected even if there is a hardware malfunction or a natural calamity.
